
ImageOptimisapowerfulimagelosslesscompressiontoolsoftwarethatprovideslosslesscompressionservicesforPNGimages,reducingfilesizeby60%-90%.,imageoptim.Installcommand:brewinstall--caskimageoptim.Name:ImageOptim.Tooltooptimiseimagestoasmallersize.·/api ...,Integrateeasilywithoutinstallingspecializedsoftware.Usingcutting-edgetechnologyisaseasyasdownloadinganimage.Processprod...

Image optimizer Compression on the Mac App Store

ImageOptim is a powerful image lossless compression tool software that provides lossless compression services for PNG images, reducing file size by 60%-90%.


imageoptim. Install command: brew install --cask imageoptim. Name: ImageOptim. Tool to optimise images to a smaller size. · /api ...

ImageOptim HTTP API for optimization on web servers

Integrate easily without installing specialized software. Using cutting-edge technology is as easy as downloading an image. Process product photos on e ...

ImageOptim — better Save for Web

See installation and usage instructions. ImageOptim integrates well with macOS , so you can also drop files on ImageOptim's Dock icon, or use Services menu ...


2023年11月6日 — Automates ImageOptim, ImageAlpha, and JPEGmini for Mac to make batch optimisation of images part of your automated build process.


Rust installed via rustup (not Homebrew). git clone --recursive ImageOptim cd ImageOptim. To get started, open imageoptim/ImageOptim.

Install image-optimizer on Linux

2021年8月28日 — Simple lossless image compression. Compress your images with ease without the cost of loosing the images quality using JpegOptim and OptiPng.


Otherwise, you can install manually by downloading the latest release then adding ImageOptim-CLI to your --$PATH. # go to home directory cd ~ # download the ...

MegaOptim Image Optimizer

Optimize and compress your images to speed up your site and boost your SEO.